Fluorosilicone (FVMQ)


Fluorosilicone shares similar mechanical and physical properties as Silicone and consequently, can operate over a very wide range of temperatures. The typical working temperature range is -60°C to +225°C. The standard colour is blue.


It offers excellent resistance to hydrocarbon fuels, petroleum oils and Silicone oils, but poor hot air resistance when compared with Silicone. Especially relevant, their resistance to di-ester lubricants, ozone and weathering is excellent. Also, FVMQ’s have good electrical strength.

Suitable for use with aromatic mineral oils and fuels.


Often used in aerospace applications for fuel systems and systems requiring resistance to di-ester base lubricants to 175°C. Typical applications include aerospace fuel system components, diaphragms, gaskets, hose lining, seals and O-rings. To name but a few.

  • Limited physical strength
  • Poor abrasion resistance
  • High friction characteristics.

FVMQ’s are predominately designed for static sealing use and not generally recommended for dynamic sealing. They are also not recommended for exposure to brake fluids, hydrazine, or ketones.