
Pump manufacturers – we’re now a proud member of the BPMA

9 January 2019


The British Pump Manufacturers Association Limited is the UK Trade Association representing the interests of UK liquid pump manufacturers. As a result we are pleased to announce that we are now very proud members of the BMPA. The BPMA’s principal objectives are:

  • To be the effective voice of the pump industry
  • Satisfy the needs of the members
  • Encourage active participation of the members

BPMA membership is open to any company involved in liquid pumping equipment including key suppliers, for example, those providing sealing solutions. That is to say, O Rings Limited. As one of the UK’s leading suppliers and distributors, we can offer whatever the solution you require; from a simple but highly effective O Ring to a wide range of Industrial seals and specialised sealing solutions.

So manufacturers of pumps, as a member of such a well known and respected organisation you can rest assured and buy with confidence.

BPMA is a member of Europump which is the pan-European body with 18 member Associations.

BPMA also provides the Secretariat for Europump’s Marketing Commission and is very active in the Standards, Technical and PR Commissions.